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Effect: In City Phase, all citizen-soldiers promote directly to Elite rank after 1 kill, but population cap reduced -10%.History: Under the Constitution written by the mythical law-giver Lycurgus, the institution of The Agoge was established, where Spartans were trained from the age of 6 to be superior warriors in defense of the Spartan state.Effect: Spartans can make use of the Phalanx formation without researching a technology.'Othismos' refers to the point in a phalanx battle where both sides try to shove each other out of formation, attempting to breaking up the enemy lines and routing them. The Spartans were so feared for their discipline that the enemy army would sometimes break up and run away before a single shield clashed. History: The Spartans were undisputed masters of phalanx warfare.

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In fact, since they are unable to build any advanced walls beyond palisades its quite possibly their only form of defense. The Spartans are clearly an offensive civilization, for them the best defense is a good and brutal offensive campaign or swift preemptive blow to their adversaries.The Spartans possess a robust but mostly average economy, with good mining technologies and farming technologies the economy should be fairly capable of supporting this military powerhouse.Spartan Naval technologies are fairly standard for a Hellenistic civilization, although not a match for the Athenians - if used wisely is still fairly decent.Spartan Cavalry are lacking, along with their siegecraft but a good player can make use of the mounted skirmisher and the trusty battering ram.Sparta heavily relies on its supremely powerful melee infantry, levying this advantage is the difference between success and defeat.

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