George bush vice president potato
George bush vice president potato

“Lawyers in class-action suit against Bank of Credit and Commerce International identify presidential sons George Bush and Jeb Bush as potential witnesses in their case.”(Wall Street Journal, 10 March 1992) The Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI) Scandal (1992) (Nothing ever came of the allegations.)” (Dayton Daily News, ) Bush) was accused of violating securities laws governing insider stock sales when he sold his shares of Harken Oil on the eve of the Persian Gulf war. Son Marvin Bush also has a spotty business record, and our own Gov. “After Silverado, Neil got a $ 2 million loan from the Small Business Administration and walked on it. Likewise, Prescott Bush has been accused of taking advantage of his brother’s sympathetic approach to China to negotiate business deals in that country.” (Los Angeles Times, ) Jeb Bush received $75,000 from Recarey for a business deal that never materialized. In 1985, Jeb Bush interceded with officials of the Health and Human Services Department on behalf of Miguel Recarey Jr., the owner of a health-maintenance organization who later fled the country after being charged in what is believed to be the nation’s biggest Medicare scandal. Bush’s little-known firm, Harken Energy, was awarded a lucrative contract from the Persian Gulf nation of Bahrain, the deal was widely seen as an effort on the part of Bahrain’s royal family to win favor with the White House. “As a director of the defunct Silverado Savings & Loan in Denver, Neil Bush was found by federal regulators to have engaged in a conflict of interest by participating in the approval of loans totaling $132 million from the S&L to his own business partners. According to the Los Angeles Times, other members of the Bush family were also involved: In the 1980s, George W Bush‘s younger brother Neil was involved in the Savings and Loan scam. The Bush Family and the Savings and Loans (S&L) Scandal (1980s) The Minister of Commerce in charge of trade negotiations leading up to the signing of NAFTA was Raul Salinas Lozano, father of Raul Junior the Drug kingpin and of Carlos the president.

george bush vice president potato

When Carlos Salinas was inaugurated as President, the entire Mexican State apparatus became criminalised with key government positions occupied by members of the Cartel. The Salinas family was closely tied to the Mexican drug cartel. The personal links between the Bush and Salinas de Gortiari families are also documented. The following text based on a compilation of press excerpts (first published in December 2000 in the wake of the US presidential elections) is self-explanatory. Fully documented by the US and British media, the Bush family has been implicated in a string of financial scams since the 1980s. The Enron scandal is but the tip of the Iceberg. This article was first published by Global Research in February 2002 Featured image: Left to Right: Carlos Salinas de Gortari, George H.

George bush vice president potato